Monday, April 23, 2012

Blogging from A to Z Challenge - T

Truly hard to believe we're almost at the end of this year's Blogging from A to Z Challenge. I hope you've been enjoying my posts.

Today is the letter T and that's for thyme--one of the the herbs I think about together ( parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme). You can thank Simon and Garfunkel for that.

Thyme is another one of those herbs that has ancient roots. According to vegetarianism & vegetarian nutrition, the Romans believed it to be a cure for melancholy. Thyme is a member of the mint family, which always surprises me because I expect it to taste like mint in my food, but it doesn't. I almost decided to grow it in my herb garden this year, but decided to go with chives instead.

I often use thyme in marinades for beef and chicken. It's also used in soups or on vegetables. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy to relieve pain (I need to get me some of this) and elevate mood, according to the website. It's also consider helpful for bronchitis. Who knew?

It's not an herb I use often, but I make sure I don't run out--just in case.

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