Monday, February 20, 2012

You've Got Mail Mondays!

I think last week everything moved slower. My stats weren't as high as they have been lately, and my mail consisted mostly of junk. The only thing I appreciate getting is my copy of Beyond Molasses Creek by Nicole Seitz. I won it from a contest run by Thomas Nelson. Having seen the reviews this book is getting, I'm fairly sure I'll enjoy it.

If someone would like to take my Summons for Juror Service, I would greatly appreciate it. The one downside to being on the good side of the law your whole life is that you seem to get called for jury duty often. This will be the fifth or sixth time I've been called. I've sat on one case so far. It's always for the same location too--which is in a less than ideal area.

Hope your mail carrier had more excitement for you than it did for me.

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