Thursday, May 17, 2012

How Much Time Do You Spend on the Internet?

In this 2010 comScore Media Matrix survey, it was found that average Americans spend 32 hours a month on the Internet. My age group (35-44) spent the second largest number of hours per month 37.4, while users age (45-54) top the scale at 39.3 hours per month.

I've been thinking lately about how much time I waste browsing the Internet. What would I do with the hours I fritter away each week? Write, research for new projects, monitor investments. Whatever I spent that time on would be more useful than checking our local news sites and email for updates.

I find when I am pushed to the breaking point, so overwhelmed I don't know where to turn, I waste more time online. That's not unusual. It's been shown that one of the reasons we procrastinate is because our schedules are too jam-packed. We need time to wind down. We need to stop saying yes to every volunteer opportunity that comes along. We need time just to snuggle up with our kids and let them know they are loved.

I would probably be amazed by how much time I spend online each week if I tracked it for a month.  How much time do you spend online each week? How much is work related and how much is leisure time? Are there places you can cut back so you aren't browsing the Internet so much?

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