Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Blogging Goals for 2014

Every year around this time I consider this year's accomplishments and set goals for the coming year. As I got busier in 2013, I let go of some of my favorite things about this blog: product reviews and special features. Since I don't plan to let 2014 get as crazy as this past year has been--hopefully I'll stick to that--I want to get back into focusing on this blog more.

I've gone through my sidebar and updated some of the affiliate ads. I don't make much--if any--money off of them, but I think they spruce up the place. I've changed the look to get ready for the new year. What I also want to do is get back into regular features. Here's my plan, but it could change based upon popularity and time.

  1. Monday - Mailbox Monday or Inspiration to Start Your Week. I plan to tag on to this original meme instead of continuing with my own You've Got Mail Monday. The second one is new. I'll post an inspirational quote, picture, or maybe even a YouTube video. There won't be any explanation or commentary, just that little bit of inspiration to start your week off right. 
  2. Tuesday - In the News. I used to do this on Wednesday, but I'm switching it to Tuesday. I'll post about an article I've seen and provide thoughts and questions.
  3. Wednesday - Wordless Wednesday. Don't know who started this one, but it's a picture and nothing else. Most of them come from our large database of photos the hubby has taken over the years.
  4. Thursday - This Day in History. I'll share a little historical tidbit. 
  5. Friday - The Friday 56. Freda's Voice has been running this meme where you turn to page 56 in your current read or 56% on your ereader and post something from it. If she continues this for 2014, I will join in. If not, I'll try to think of something else. Fridays will also be the days I run any giveaways when I have them.

Hope you'll let me know what else you would like to see here. Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and safe New Year!

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