Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Guest Blogger: Encouraging Your Kids to be Active and Fit at a Young Age by Beth Waters

According to the American Heart Association, nearly 24 million American kids between ages two and 19 are clinically overweight or obese. This is directly linked to the rising prevalence of diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular problems and autoimmune disorders. The worst part about all of this is that it's entirely preventable. While it may seem like an arduous task to get your kids to lead a healthier lifestyle, there are many things you can do to make it appealing to them.

Playing Outside

These days, it seems like fewer kids than ever are playing outside. This is sometimes due in part to parents’ desire to keep their children safe from any danger that could occur outside, but the allure of sedentary forms of entertainment as well as homework loads also play a large role. For your children's sake, encourage them to spend at least one hour each day playing outside.

Limit TV, Computer and Video Games

These are all very popular forms of entertainment, but it's possible to have too much of a good thing. In fact, the Kaiser Family Foundation recently released a study indicating that the average American child spends roughly 7.5 hours each day playing video games, watching TV and using the computer. To curb this unhealthy obsession, it's recommended to set strict time limits for these activities. They're sure to appreciate them more when they don't engage in them constantly.

Family Fun

The family that plays together stays healthy together. Part of having healthier kids means setting healthy examples. You can do this by planning fun family activities that encourage physical activity for everyone. Things like helping mom in the garden, going hiking, visiting the zoo and going to the park are all great ideas.


Have your kids displayed interest in a particular sport? If so, this is a perfect opportunity for them to get healthier. Sports don't just encourage strong interpersonal skills and a winning attitude. They also encourage a healthier heart, higher energy levels, better concentration and an improved mood.

Healthy Eating

Most children are exposed daily to a steady stream of junk food, and other unhealthy items vending machines offer at school can make matters worse. You can't always prevent them from eating unhealthy foods, but you can take steps to minimize it. With the exception of occasional treats, put a household ban on sugary or heavily processed junk foods and drinks. Instead, keep snacks around like dried and fresh fruit, nuts, cheese, low-sugar yogurt, veggies and other healthy alternatives. With large amounts of sugar out of the picture, kids are more likely to want healthier, more nutritious foods.

Beth Waters is the mother of two children and has a passion for health and fitness. Her hobbies are searching for new recipes, trying new fitness fads, and writing. She writes for medical companies such as Liberty Medical as well as her blog at Carrots Over Cake. She enjoys sharing with bloggers her journey to living more healthily.

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