Friday, March 8, 2013

Tackling Clutter One Step at A Time

We all one of those "areas." The place where all the clutter gathers. If you're like me, you have more than one spot you swear grows into a mountain in the time it takes you to change your socks. When tackling clutter, it's easy to feel like you should get rid of it all at once. I've found I'm much happier and much more able to manage getting rid of clutter if I tackle it one step at a time.

The other day, that area happened to be the magazine rack which is filled with magazines, catalogs, and newspapers. We have a beautiful wrought iron magazine rack in the kitchen. I have several magazines I don't like to get rid of (history and gardening) and some I am willing to recycle once I've looked through them to make sure there's nothing else I need out of them.

I began by taking out all the magazines and newspapers. Then I created a pile of the ones that are must saves. They will be boxed in my office closet. Then I went through the other magazines and cut out any articles of interest, recipes, and tips I want to remember. I put them in my Inbox in my office to scan later. Then I recycled the remnants.

Not only did I reduce the remaining pile in my magazine rack by half, that corner of the kitchen looks much neater.

I'm not sure which area of the house I will work on next. Maybe one of the upstairs closets.

How do you tackle clutter? What is the most clutter-filled area of your home?

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