Monday, January 1, 2018

Personal and Professional Goals 2018

My writing goals have been set. Why do I set those first? Because writing is like breathing for me: if I don't do it, I will die. Now it's time to consider personal and real estate goals for 2018. Since personal goals will always be more important than anything related to a career, I'll list them first.


GOAL 1: Daily Bible verse reading and prayer

Might require getting up half an hour earlier, but this must come first every day. I have a Bible app on my phone, which should help, and I bought several devotionals last year. 

GOAL 2: Schedule days off in my calendar

I'm working on getting better about time blocking my calendar. The first thing that always goes when I get busy is a day off. Why is this a personal goal? Because it impacts family and my health more than anything else.

GOAL 3: Exercise three days a week

Another bad thing about being so busy last year is that I didn't work out the way I should. Three days a week--probably Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday--is manageable. The new workout DVD arrives tomorrow. I'm excited!

GOAL 4: Pamper myself once a quarter

I work hard. Why shouldn't I pamper myself? I have a gift certificate for a massage, which I plan to schedule soon. Maybe I'll get my nails done a few times. Maybe I'll just take a day to go off by myself and write. Who knows. I'll have to consider this more. 


GOAL 1: Time block my calendar and add to Outlook (see above)

I'll admit I am a paper calendar kind of girl. The trouble with it this year is that I had so many appointments for work and family that I kind of lost track of things. So far I have scheduled my year's worth of several meeting dates, all the kids' days off of school and half days, our vacation, and even my blog tour duties into the calendar and in Outlook so it automatically goes to my iPhone. 

Next I want to plan one hour each day to contact people, followed by setting aside one day a month to work on marketing. 

GOAL 2: Review Class Options and Sign Up

As part of our licensing renewals, we need to have twelve continuing education classes every two years. In addition, there are classes for special designations that can be attended. I want to get as many of these scheduled within the first quarter before business gets really busy. My license expires this July, so I also need to make sure I have all the credits I need before then.

GOAL 3: List at least 5 more properties than I did in 2017

In 2017 I listed more properties than in the past. I want that trend to continue so that I can better manage my business. 

GOAL 4: Read at least one business-related book a quarter

I have several books here that will assist me in my business. Even if I have to get some of them on audio to listen to in my truck, I want to keep my mind focused on the positives and continue to grow. 

This list may change and be added to as the year progresses, but this is a good start.

Do you have any goals this year? How about any tips on how to effectively achieve your goals? Is there something on your list that has just been nagging at you? Let's support each other's goals and see what we can accomplish in 2018.