Sunday, January 6, 2019

2018 Goals Review

I'm a bit behind with this. I did it in my mind, but it never made it to this blog. Whoops!

Before I set my goals for the new year, I review my progress from the year that has passed. I'm not someone who beats herself up about missing the mark, but I do use those moments to gauge how I can do better.

So here's what 2018 looked like for personal and real estate goals. You can check out the review of my writing goals here.


GOAL 1: Daily Bible verse reading and prayer

I did much better in 2018 than I had in previous years. I've found if I read right when I get up or right before bed, I am much more successful. Having the YouVersion Bible App on my phone is a big help.

GOAL 2: Schedule days off in my calendar

This goal still needs a fair amount of work. I did pre-schedule days off. I just didn't honor a lot of them.

GOAL 3: Exercise three days a week

Never happened. I think I worked out four times in 2018. This must be a priority this year.

GOAL 4: Pamper myself once a quarter

Maybe not once a quarter, but I've made great progress. I spent more on clothes, got my nails done a few times, and made a point to go out to eat with friends more often.


GOAL 1: Time block my calendar and add to Outlook 

This is such a hard thing for me. It's kind of like asking a panster to write book outlines. I hate it!!! That said, I am committing to it for 2019 to make the most of this year.

GOAL 2: Review Class Options and Sign Up

Goal met. Not usually an issue for me. I end up with more credits than I need because I'm a big supporter of the RAPV and because continuing to learn is important to me.

GOAL 3: List at least 5 more properties than I did in 2017

Well, I didn't list five more--guess I didn't realize how many I listed in 2017--but I did list two more. If I count the four properties I assisted on, then I can claim to have surpassed my goal. My number of sales stayed consistent and my volume went up, so it was a good year.

GOAL 4: Read at least one business-related book a quarter

I read two last year and started a third one before the year ended, so this was at least close.

How did your year go? Is there anything you're especially proud of?

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