Monday, May 23, 2016

Things I Miss as a Busy Mom

Ins't this clip art great? While my breastfeeding days are far behind me, I am pulled in twenty different directions each day. Here are some things I've really been missing lately:

  • Time to read. I used to read every night. Now I am lucky to finish one book every few months.
  • Time to blog. My blogs are being abandoned, which kills me because I worked so hard to grow them. 
  • Time to write. I can't remember the last time I sat at my desk to write a few lines. 
  • Time to cook. It used to be home-cooked meals around here seven days a week. Now I'm lucky to make a meal once a week. Not only that, I have been eating lunch out more lately too.
  • Time to clean. Doesn't that sound silly? I'm just sick and tired of my house always being a mess. 
What I feel I am doing right is making time for the kids despite how busy I am. The Lil' Diva will be 15 this August and the Lil' Princess is turning 13 in November. Time is short to take advantage of them being home and I plan to spend every moment with the girls that I can.

What are some things you miss as a busy mom?

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