Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Interview with Tinisha Johnson, Author and Founder of Have Stress Relief Now

Joining us today is Tinisha Johnson. She is an author and the founder of the self-help, inspirational online membership website Have Stress Relief Now. We’ll talk to her today about her writing and what led her to launch this amazing new website.

Welcome to Books, Products and More, Tinisha. It’s great to have you with us. Can you start by telling us a bit about yourself?

Sure, thank you for having me. It’s actually my birthday today LOL May 18th, so this is a great birthday present to be a guest blogger. [Blogger's note: Happy Birthday!]  About me: I’m an author and freelance writer. I’m a mom to two wonderful kids and I reside in Denver, Colorado. I’ve always had a love for writing. As for my day time job if you will, I host political and sports Teleconferences, which I really enjoy.

Our readers might be familiar with you because you’ve been our guest before—first to talk about your book, Searchable Whereabouts, and then to promote Lessons Learned. When did you first start writing?

My love for writing started at age 11 when I wrote 3 chapters to a storyline my teacher provided for us as an assignment in my creative writing class. I ended up writing 8 chapters and received an A+. My teacher said something I’ll never forget. “Tinisha you’re a great writer. I know what you’re going to be when you grow up.” He gave me a new perspective on my future. It was very encouraging to hear him say that. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to write stories and eventually see my stories published.

As far as writing professionally, 2002 was when I published a short story for the Chicken Soup for the Soul. My mystery, Searchable Whereabouts was published in 2007 and my self-help book Lessons Learned was published in 2010.

I know we haven’t talked about your website yet, but your writing helped to bring you through a difficult time in your life, which eventually led to the launching of Have Stress Relief Now. Would you be willing to share some of those difficulties, and how you coped with them?

That is true. My writing has had a lot to do with me launching my site Have Stress Relief Now.

My difficult journey started as being an overweight child, looking back on it. But to fast forward, my difficulties seemed to get worse in my early twenties as a single mom. I had gotten out of a mentally and abusive relationship, amongst other painful memories, in 2000. I honestly thought long and hard about ending my life, and even tried once. I was very unhappy in so many areas of my life. Not to mention my self-esteem was non-existent. The daily overwhelming pain had gotten to me really bad.
“Everyone has a story, but I found out that I had to finally just tell the truth of what I was feeling and deal with it head on. I finally stopped feeling sorry for myself and started searching for answers by helping others.” Tinisha Johnson

My son who was very young at the time and I believe he kept me believing things would get better, and that’s why I kept pushing forward with hope.

In my book Lessons Learned, I talk about an epiphany that occurred to me one morning during that time. It was very early in the morning. I immediately woke up and looked out the window, something I usually don’t right away when I first wake up. As I was looking out the window, I saw this homeless lady digging in a dumpster. For a minute, she appeared so similar to me. Meaning, she looked just like me. It was actually one of the strangest experiences I’ve had in my life. I kept staring at her. She was pulling all kinds of items out of the trash and putting it in her basket. Who hasn’t seen a homeless person before? But this was just an odd experience. It’s kind of hard to really explain.

But at that moment, a light went on in my head. I’m not really sure what my subconscious was trying to tell me as I was watching this homeless woman, but I pulled out a journal and just started to write positive messages - designing my future. Something clicked, something changed, maybe my outlook on life. But anyway to make a long story short that journal that I was writing at that time began my journey to write my self-help book Lessons Learned.

As you discovered, journal writing can be very therapeutic. What were two things you learned as a result of journal writing?

I suggest everyone keep a journal. It’s a sort of meditation. Journal writing allows you to release the clutter and noise in your head and sort out what to do, or what not to do. So basically, with journal writing I learned that helps me relieve some stress and helps me sort out difficulties that worries me.

Let’s talk about the website now. You experienced definite challenges in your life and even consider committing suicide, but you kept writing. How does that get us to the launch of Have Stress Relief Now?

I originally thought of starting the site Have Stress Relief Now in 2009 through a compilation of blogs, which are no longer live. These blogs and journal entries were all about how to relieve stress from your personal and professional life. The ideas were based off what I’d done personally to get through some difficult times in my own personal life, and research I read on the subject of stress and depression.

It wasn’t until April 2011 that I went ahead and bought the domain for my site and launched the site. My dedication with the site is to aid growth in people’s lives and provide content that will help provide great tips on how to relieve stress in many areas of life.

What’s interesting is that on the day I was building the website, I was supposed to go on a date, but I was stood up. LOL. It’s kind of funny now, but I was actually stressed out of my mind, and upset. How ironic, since my site is all about how to relieve stress. LOL. All I can do is laugh now. So, I took off my dress, slipped into my pajamas, wiped my make up off, and made myself a cup of coffee and spent the rest of the night compiling my website and ended up launching the site after midnight.

What will members find on the site?

People will find a “Stress Relief” personal blog and a “Stress Relief” business blog. I provide an article of the month, a “Stress Relief” daily news of world events site, daily quotes, recipes, real work at home opportunities and much more. (A lot of this information is only accessing after someone signs up as an online member) There are also several membership benefits as well, which are outlined on my website. I’m also running a prize give-a-way for the month of May 2011.

It’s great that you wish to help others who are struggling. Why is this so important to you?

I care about people. I’m really into self-help. It has helped me tremendously in my life, and I just want to give back. I’m a true optimistic. If I’m not helping someone else, I’m not living. It’s a must for me. Even my close friends and family know me as the ‘To-go’ person and a great listener. And to be honest, deep down inside helping others makes me happy.

Tell us about the Business Section. What is it about? What does it offer your members?

The Business Section is still a work-in-progress, but I wanted to list sites for those who are self-bloggers, maintaining a website, or have their own online business and needs business tips, products or services to help them with their business.

What I found amazing is that your membership is free. Why not charge for all the great information and services you offer?
My website Have Stress Relief Now is a hobby and at the same time a business for me. The site is new and I’m just having fun with it, while offering the best content I can. Although I do a lot of research on the content I provide, I don’t want to burden anyone with a fee. All I ask is that people sign up to my newsletter and sign up as a site member to get access to the quality content I share.

How can others help support the site?

Sign up as an online member or/and comment on some of the blog entries if you feel the content has value. Feel free to Tweet and make comments on Facebook about the content on the site. The website is:

What do you see for the future of Have Stress Relief Now?
I want to have a large community of people interacting and helping one another. My vision for the website is to help people find the answers to the tough questions in life, by providing powerful information that changes lives and aids growth.

What else would you like to share with our readers?

Check out the site, I’d love to hear feedback from readers on what they like, or what they’d like to see, and even what I may not be doing right. I welcome all feedback and interactions. The website is:

Thanks for spending time with us today, Tinisha. We wish you great success.

Thank you very much. It’s been a pleasure.

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