Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Guest Blogger: Dr. Laura Maciuika, Author of Conscious Calm

Stressed out? There is plenty of real external stress, sure, and a serious stress epidemic going on. Then there is what we do on the inside, often without even realizing it. Conscious Calm focuses on the internal patterns of stress creation we may not even notice, and describes how to get free of these patterns for good to find lasting calm.

Integrating psychology and neuroscience, and combining practical wisdom from both East and West, Dr. Laura Maciuika explains the inner stress traps that so many of us fall into. She reveals 9 Stress Secrets that can keep us stuck in cycles of feeling more and stress, and describes 9 Keys to Conscious Calm and simple, step by step ways to use them for lasting stress relief, deeper calm, and greater happiness.

How to Take the Stress out of Spring Cleaning
by Dr. Laura Maciuika

It’s that time again! For many of us, getting a fresh start in the Spring means finally tackling the Spring cleaning. Whether it’s the packed or disorganized closets, an overflowing garage, or the bathtub grout that has been turning that grout grey, actually getting to the Spring cleaning can be a stressful prospect. For some people it’s stressful enough to end up avoiding Spring cleaning for another year.

If you’re considering going for it and taking on the Spring cleaning this year, here is the most powerful tip I can give you for taking the stress out of it:

Start from the inside out. Notice first what you are telling yourself about the Spring cleaning, and what attitudes or feelings you have about it. We shape our experiences from the inside. So if someone hates Spring cleaning and can’t stand to do it, guess what? Even if she gets it done, the process is likely to be pretty miserable.

So check in and hear what you’re telling yourself about the Spring cleaning – what’s your self talk about it? Is it resigned? (“I guess I have to...”) or determined (“It’s going to happen this year for sure!”) or resistant (“I just can’t stand cleaning!”)? If you hear self talk that doesn’t feel very good... could that be adjusted, or shifted – even transformed?

For example, what would it be like if you decided that this year the Spring cleaning was going to be fun, no matter what? How might that engage your creativity? Who else could help out – a friend, or two, or three? Could it turn into a pizza party, or a Share Your Stuff gathering, or a dance party? If you have kids, are they old enough to help, even in a small way? How then could you chunk out the cleaning tasks, say to one hour every weekend, and make it into a game, contest, or family activity with some lightness or humor?

It all begins with what we do on the inside. If you’re going to be a Spring Cleaning maven this year, good for you. If you choose your self-talk about it pro-actively, you’ll be on your way to taking the stress out of Spring cleaning this year while you actually get it done.

Dr. Laura Maciuika is a clinical psychologist, teacher, and transformation mentor. She specializes in supporting the transformation of old patterns and internal blocks into new-found inner freedom, joy, and success. Laura is the author of Conscious Calm: Keys to Freedom from Stress and Worry. Follow Laura’s blog on stress and stress relief at Connect with Laura through, at Twitter @lauramaciuika, and at You can download a chapter of her new book at

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