Sunday, July 31, 2011

Am I The Only Mom Who Cringes at The Thought of Chuck E Cheese?

I really hope it's not just me. This weekend, our oldest got invited out by a friend, so the Lil Princess was left behind--again. I have to admit I have a soft spot for the Lil Princess. I was also the baby sister, and I know how much it stinks to be left out when your older siblings get invited somewhere and you don't.

Taking full advantage of my sympathy, the Lil Princess asked if we could go to Chuck E Cheese®. I cringed. Let me state for the record that I don't have anything against this restaurant chain. I just don't want to spend any of my day there.  Part of it is that I don't understand why children who have an X-Box 360, a Nintendo Wii, and Nintendo DSs, need to go to a restaurant whose main appeal is to spend money playing games. Playing those games results in winning tickets that you can exchange for a variety of prizes they don't look at a day after they've won them.

Someone please explain to me the appeal of this place.

Usually I won't go there on the weekends because it's packed, but because of the nice weather and the early hour, it was nearly empty when we arrived. The pizza was decent, but for some reason every time I visit the local Chuck E Cheese the soda is flatter than the pea that the princess placed under her mattress.

On the upside, the Lil Princess was very happy, so it was worth the time spent. I always feel like a crank when I'm not enthused about doing something like this with the kids. Maybe I need to lighten up.

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