Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Author Spotlight: Scott Gale and Your Family Constitution

Your Family Constitution Helps Busy Parents to Create Manageable Family Structure

Just in time… a formerly stressed-out dad’s perspective provides a common-sense playbook to reach family harmony. As today’s parents cope with scores of competing obligations and responsibilities, raising kids with good core values is an extreme challenge. Combine this perpetual struggle with the effects of technological distractions, societal lack of discipline, and failures to communicate, and it is not hard to understand why so many parents throw up their hands in defeat and accept mere survival.

Author Scott Gale refused to settle for chaos. Instead, he designed a powerful tool that allowed him to alleviate family challenges through the thoughtful application of clarity, consistency and commitment (the “3Cs”). Your Family Constitution: A Modern Approach to Family Values and Household Structure tells his story and provides a step-by-step process that parents can follow to balance schedules and produce time they never before had, improve family communication, relieve pent-up frustration, and wrap healthy boundaries around core values; applying rewards, consequences and accountability standards to maintain them.
A stressed-out parent downloaded the first chapter and replied, “You are easy to read, easy to understand and easy to identify with. It seems that intentional parenting has gotten lost, and you’ve provided a blueprint for creating a family with positive family values, ideals and rules to live and grow by. So, thanks for your courage to detail your own experience and offer personal insights for the benefit of frustrated, busy and untrained parents.”

Scott Gale is an author and instructor at University of California Irvine. His passion is helping families communicate and re-connect in spite of today’s hectic lifestyle and increased demands. Scott’s new book, Your Family Constitution: A Modern Approach to Family Values and Household Structure, inspires readers to increase togetherness and progressively improve by leveraging clarity, consistency and commitment.

For more information on his book or to learn how to create your customized Family Constitution visit: http://www.yourfamilyconstitution.com/ or e-mail: sgale@yourfamilyconstitution.com.

Read the Reviews:

"...'Your Family Constitution: A Modern Approach To Family Values And Household Structure' by Scott Gale is so valuable for men and women striving to form, nurture, instill, and live the values they hold dear." - Midwest Book Reviews

"Mr. Gale has extracted the essence of parenting and incorporated it into an entertaining and easy to follow parent manual. Since we adopted our own Family Constitution, my kids have tackled their chores without complaints and the time we spend together has become much more rewarding. I highly recommend it to all parents." - Bentley Kerr, Amazon Reviewer

This book is also available in a Kindle edition.

To see where Scott stops next on his virtual book tour, please visit http://virtualbooktours.wordpress.com/.

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