Friday, January 1, 2010

Real Men by Greg Middleton -- Book Review

Are you a "real man"? Real Men: What is Happening with Our Males? was written for males dealing with specific male issues. Addressing the serious shift in dynamics between males and females brought about by changes in laws and customs, changes in technology, and changes in the roles females now play in society, Real Men takes a look into our past, the present, and looks into the future to help men adjust their lives to today's reality.

I approached Real Men with a bit of trepidation because the synopsis I saw mentioned how men are no longer the "king of the hill" and I immediately began to wonder if this book would be sexist drivel about how men can reclaim what they've lost.

Thankfully, I was way off base, which is just another reason I feel you need to open the pages of a book and read some of it first before passing judgment.

What Real Men is truly about is how certain changes in our society have led to males playing different roles than their fathers and grandfathers, leaving many men to learn as they go, such as author Greg Middleton had to do. As Middleton points out, this cost him a great deal of wasted time until he had gained the experience he needed to be the father and husband he should be, the "real man" he always wanted to be.

In an attempt to instruct and guide men along this journey, Middleton has written an excellent book based upon his own experiences, which also includes some tables discussing statistics that back up what he has to say.

I found Real Men to be an informative, engaging read that I was able to polish off in one evening, but whose words will stick with me for some time to come. I'm considering passing this book along to my son, who at the age of 23, could benefit greatly from its contents. And now that I have read Middleton's Real Men, I'm eager to dive into more of his work.

Title: Real Men
Author: Greg Middleton
Publisher: Lulu
ISBN: 978-0-557-12071-0
SRP: $14.19

For more information about Greg Middleton, please visit You will find Real Men Seminars at

Greg Middleton will be on a virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion from January 4th - 29th. You may follow his tour by visiting weekdays during January.

1 comment:

  1. This is Greg. I wanted to thank "Book Tours and More" for carrying my book and hosting this very important subject. Most of us realize that something has to be done about this issue but most are more than willing to sit on the sideline and hope someone else takes care of this problem. I simply see a problem and I want to do something to assist the problem. I need help. I cannot take on such a huge social issue by myself. I am looking for others who may want to join forces with me and tackle this issue. Visit my website at and see if this may be something that you may want to address. Contact me and talk about it.
